Project 3:


Building relationships around indigenous endurance

Urban Native American communities experience significant and persistent disparities in cardiovascular diseases, obesity, hypertension, and their behavioral precursors physical activity and diet. Evidence-based interventions (EBIs) that focus on access to environments and programs that support healthful food and physical activity opportunities have strong potential to reduce and prevent cardiometabolic risk factors such as obesity, and hypertension as well as cardiovascular disease. Missing from previous research is the embedding of EBIs in a broader understanding of Native American context including cultural and community assets such an orientation towards sovereignty and self-determination, as well as a recognition of structural contexts framed by racism and marginalization.

Project 3 aims to:

1. Evaluate the effectiveness of racism-conscious enhanced GTO guidance, tools, training and technical assistance on intervention implementation for after-school physical activity and home visitation healthy eating and physical activity programs, using RE-AIM metrics of program adoption, reach, content fidelity, dose delivered, and dose received.
2. Evaluate contributors of racism-conscious enhanced GTO implementation strategies on implementation outcomes among partnering program leadership and program staff in after-school physical activity and family home visitation programs based on race(ism) adapted CFIR constructs.

Project 3 will use proven effective implementation strategies to build program organizational leadership and program staff implementation capacity to successfully engage urban American Indian families in strengths-based, culturally-centered, evidence-based programs to promote youth physical activity and healthy eating. Sustained program engagement among urban Native American families will promote healthy eating and physical activity behaviors that will reduce future diabetes, obesity and cardiometabolic / cardiovascular disease risk in this highly burdened community.  

Community partners in this work include the Native American Community Clinic.